do i need a Savior today?


“Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us
Matthew 6:12 (Living Bible).

Do I need a Savior today?

Fifteen years away from the church, I reached a cross roads
and took a fresh look at the faith I grew up with.

Dusting off my Bible and turning to Matthew 6:12,
I picture Jesus being crucified along with a thief and murderer to his left and right.

Then I heard still, quiet voice speak into my heart,
“Do you need a Savior today?”

I replied, “But Jesus, I accepted your forgiveness long ago.
I’m not a sinner,” I proudly said. “You know how hard I’ve tried to be good.”

Looking to the cross at the left,
“I haven’t murdered anyone.”

Turning to the right,
“I’m not a thief.”

Looking up at Jesus,
“I try to be loving and kind and giving.”

“And I don’t seek revenge with those who hurt me.”

“You know You are my only God.”

Then I turn the pages to Matthew 6.

As I read Jesus gently asked,
“Why do you do what you do?
What are the motivations of your heart?”

Considering these questions, I ask myself,
“Am I really loving and kind and giving
or do I love others for their love in return?”

Is this really love?

“Am I kind so that others will think well of me?”

Is this really kindness?

“Do I give so that others will recognize me?”

Is this really giving?

“I don’t seek revenge with those who hurt me,” I said.
Yet I implode with pain and withdraw to protect myself.

Is this really forgiveness?

“You know You are my only God,” I said.
But if I’m honest, I am driven by selfish ambition and self reliance.
I trust myself more than I trust in and
depend upon the Savior I profess.

So, what’s my faith really in?

Jesus says, “I know pain.”
“Those I came to save accused me of wrongs I never committed.
They spat on me, mocked me, imprisoned me, beat me,
scourged me, crucified me, and left me for dead.
One betrayed me and others denied that they ever knew me.
My closest friends turned away when I most needed them.
Then the Father turned His face away.”

But the story doesn’t end there.

“Flesh and the sin of the world drove me to Hell,
But the God in me rose up, setting Satan straight,
unchaining the captives, and blowing a hole through Hell
leading us to eternity with the Father.”

Jesus looks me in the eyes and says,
“I died for your sins.”

“Yes, I know. Thank you Jesus,” I reply.

“I died for the sins of the whole world,” He says.

“Yes, Jesus, thank you,” I say.

“And I died for the sins of others who come against you,
so cast your cares upon Me, and I will lift you up,” Jesus says.

Remembering His questions,
“Why do you do what you do?
What are the motivations of your heart?”

Falling to my knees, I look straight up and recognize His grace for the very first time.

“Jesus, I am a sinner, and oh, how I need a Savior today!”

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”
(Luke 23:34).